Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Test Turkey and Tackle practice

Well the test turkey turned out great. It did however take close to 2 hours longer that I expected. I was glad I didn't have a house full of hungry family waiting. Justin, Cole and I had a lovely mini Thanksgiving at 8:30 at night. A little late, but I was pleased with the outcome and surprised at how much turkey Cole could eat. He just kept saying "mo, mo, mo", which in baby-slang (or baby-bonics as I like to call it) is more.

While we were waiting for the turkey to finish Cole learned he could pull things out of the cupboards and pass them off to the dog. Lovely. Partners in crime. We have lost 2 bottles, a few Tupperware containers and were about 3 seconds away from my cellphone being crunched in the doggy jaws of steel. I did get pretty good at tackling the dog. For being 106 lbs (the dog not me..I would be dead) with 2 replaced knees he is unbelievably fast.

Cole loved it. He would laugh so hard he would fall down. When I would catch the dog he would point at the dog and say "mo, mo, mo". Sadly for him I asked Justin to install the baby locks on the cabinets. Now Cole and Bailey walk from cupboard to cupboard trying to open them and find treasures. Poor little guy at least he is persistent.


Lauren Ricci said...

Glad to hear your turkey turned out so well!

Babies are so funny. I love hearing all the silly things he does!

Melissa said...

I would have loved to have seen that doggy take-down (and Cole laughing so hard he fell down!)

So glad your turkey turned out so well! Good luck with the big T-Day!

The Clarks said...

LOL, babies and dogs spells trouble. Nothing makes Cash laugh more than our dogs, and Cash is an easy target for food. We too installed locks on our cupboards about six weeks ago, for about a week I broke every nail as I would so intelligently forget they were there. Need to get the kids together. Enjoy your holidays! -Rori