Saturday, March 13, 2010

7 weeks or less

Well this baby is getting close to arriving and Justin and I can't wait to meet him. We still haven't picked out a name so any name ideas would be much appreciated. My Dr. told me last week that this baby is getting BIG. Which was how Cole started out - but this baby is even bigger at this point in my pregnancy than Cole was. At 31 weeks he is measuring 34 weeks! I was induced with Cole a week early and he was 8lb 7oz and 22 inches. Thank goodness for inductions! I know many women that are 100% ANTI-induction but it was a good choice for me and everything went smoothly. I asked my Dr. what happens to women that are anti-induction who also measure large and she told me about one of her patients at LDS hospital that delivered (via c-section) a 12 lb 8 oz baby! That is just scary.

So my new due date is May 11th. Which is only a week early and may need to be moved after another ultrasound to check out the size of this baby. One of my cute cousins just had her 5th boy induced early for the same "big baby" reasons as me - and he was 9lb 6oz!! Go Melissa. Justin was 10 lb 14 oz when he was born and I really don't want to learn what that was like.

I must be looking pretty sad and pregnant since last night at the supermarket the bagger asked me if I wanted help out with my groceries. When I told him I was fine he said "no really I INSIST" quite sternly. He was intent on helping me out with my 4 bags of groceries and then asked if I had someone at home to help me get them inside. I almost......almost asked him if he was planning on driving to my house if I didn't have someone to help me inside with them but I somehow held my tongue. Of course I carried them inside by myself. He was just trying to be kind I know - I still find it funny how some people (some pregnant women included) act as if pregnant women are slightly paralyzed.

That is the end of my pregnancy rant for now. Today is St. Patrick's Day and I love this holiday since 3 years ago today was when I found out Mr. Cole was on the way. Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Justin and I decided to take Cole to the Living Planet Aquarium due to his new fascination with the movie Finding Nemo. I had never been to the aquarium and was surprised how small it was. We had a good time but were in and out in less than an hour.

Cole and Justin at the Stingray Pool.

Cole loved seeing a live Nemo.

Snow Much Fun

I will be playing catch up for the next little while with my blog posts. Justin read my offer for him to get a new computer from my last post and had it ordered the next day. It is here and all set up so now I have no excuses. I need to remember to put all future requests I have for Justin on the blog - he really seems to respond well to public requests.

A few months ago when we still had some snow to speak of, we loaded up Cole and took him sledding near our house. He loved it thank goodness - since both Justin and I are hoping for some future skiers out of our boys.

I would have to add sledding to the top 10 ways to wear out your 2 year old.