Thursday, August 26, 2010

It is completely worth the $14.00

About 8 weeks ago I decided (I still have the same C deficient keyboard in case you were wondering) that I would save the $14.00 it costs me to get Cole's hair cut and give him a buzz cut. A few of my friends had said that their husbands buzz their little boys hair so I figured if they could do it so could I - right? Sounds easy enough... doesn't it?

How to give a buzz cut - read up on the settings that are best on the clippers, learned about the angles to hold the clippers to make the hair blend evenly. Had the clippers all charged.There was even a site dedicated to giving yourself a buzz cut, which made it seem that much easier. I'm not going to lie. I felt pretty prepared to give my son his first haircut compliments of mom.

What started out good went horribly wrong when the clippers got stuck in his hair and ripped out a tiny patch.Ouch!! Poor Cole. He screamed, started to cry and I was only 1/4 of the way done. The fact that it made him cry made me feel even worse - the kid has an unusually high pain tolerance. Right before I had Mason he tripped in my bedroom and smacked his head on the dresser . He didn't cry or even make a peep, just jumped up and ran into the kitchen. I followed him in a few moments after to see him sitting at the counter eating fruit snacks with blood running down his head, no crying just bleeding. I'm the mom that always says "Oh he's fine" after he falls off the slide at the playground - but he almost always just jumps up and runs off.

For the next hour or so if I even came near him with the clippers he would completely melt down. Of course I had started at the front of his head so he looked really funny for a few hours before I finally bribed him with enough candy and a movie to let me finish. After this fiasco - I have even more admiration and respect for my friends and family members that are hair stylists.

The rest of the week he kept rubbing his head and saying "Mom hurt my head" and "where my hair go?". The dresser incident had left a scar on his head we never knew was there and kids with large heads - such as Cole's - really shouldn't have buzz cuts. They really shouldn't have super short "google-taught" buzz cuts. I am just glad he is young enough to not remember. So really, it is completely worth the $14.00 to get your kids haircut.

Beautiful Buzz Cut Memories

Cole in the crib with Mason.

This is what happens when my 2 year old tries to pour himself another bowl of cereal. Notice Bailey in the corner just dying to get at the cereal. I had to give Cole credit - he did get most of it in and on top of his bowl.

Cole feeding Mason. He loves to give him a bottle.

Unhappy Mason being held by Cole.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I blinked and 3 months have past.

Let me first start out by telling you that the C on my keyboard is temperamental. Which is SO annoying. There are so many words with C in them - which if the C is left out are still words but just don't make any sense without the C in them. I literally have to strike the C key as hard as I can to make it work. When I hit the spellcheck it turns the whole page yellow with C mistakes. I am hoping this rant helps get Justin to replace this new keyboard with yet another new keyboard since he is in charge of all things electronic in the marriage - it was in our fake prenup - which I should do a post about because it is pretty funny - or so I am told.

Do I really have a 3 month old baby? Well today I do. I really and truly can't believe how fast the last 3 months have flown by. Everyday is busy and crazy but I wouldn't want it any other way. Mason is still a mellow baby. Sleeping and eating better than I could have hoped for. No one likes a bragger so I will just leave it at that. On a random note - I googled bragger because I wasn't sure it was a word and I have a friend who did a whole blog post on peoples grammar and how she thinks it is SO funny when people misspell or misuse words (which I am 100% positive I do in every sentence - well every sentence and run on sentence) and I NOW have huge grammar complex. Thank goodness for google since it told me not only IS bragger a word there is also an Ehow site that gives you 3 steps on how to deal with a bragger. I found this totally ridiculous and funny at the same time - so I will share . So if I start acting like Debbie Downer in our next conversation you will know I am trying to stop the bragger :)

I won't bore you with too many baby details - anyone can google 3 month old baby and he is doing all of those things. Mason is still "livin large" at his 2 month appointment he was 13 and 1/2 pounds and 25.5 inches. The nurse measured 3 times. He is wearing 6 month onesies and growing out of those as I write this. A few weeks ago I was laughing at the fact that my 2 year old was wearing size 5 pajamas and my 9 week old was wearing size 6 months. Oh, and I am NOT bragging about the size of my kids. People think that Cole is 5 and is just naughty.

Cole is still doing really well with all the changes that come with a new brother. He stopped calling Mason "hey little guy" and now he has nicknamed him "Mace". When I took both boys in to get ALL of Masons shots, Cole gave our nurse the meanest look and started telling her to "stop hurting Mace". As we were leaving the office he turned to the nurse - glared again - and said "you hurt Mace" this was after the nurse had given Cole handfuls of stickers and suckers to try too get back on his good side.

Anytime Mason cries Cole tells me that "Mace is sick" or "Mace is hurt". I left both boys on my bed for less than 30 seconds while I was putting laundry away in the same room - when I turned around Cole had piled all our king sized (heavy) pillows on top of Mason. He said "me hide Mace". I have found Cole in Masons crib (now there is a stronger baby lock on his door) Cole laying under the baby gym almost on top of Mason and my favorite was coming back into the kitchen to find Mason happily in his bouncer draped in the newspaper with Cole saying that Mason was cold. He looked like a little homeless baby.

Obviously you can tell that Cole is VERY busy ALL day. It keeps me on my toes. I have been neglecting my blog since I literally can't let Cole out of my sight. Today the stars aligned and both boys are asleep! Just this morning I was changing Mason and when I left Cole in the kitchen he was happily coloring. When I returned maybe a minute later, Cole had pushed his chair to the sink and sprayed the kitchen down with the faucet that pulls out. The other day Cole wanted to wear his batman costume and he was playing in the backyard with Bailey. I went to switch the laundry and when I came back the fence was open and Cole was gone. I found him trying to trick-or-treat with (surprisingly) trusty Bailey right at his side. I lucked out that my 2 neighbors Cole had stopped at were out of town. He is a busy, busy 2 year old. I am not complaining. I usually laugh, roll my eyes and remind myself that I feel lucky to have healthy kids who can get into trouble and that they will be grown before I know it.

Here are some pictures of Mason. They were supposed to be for birth announcements but since he is now 3 months old I am pretty sure I am not going to find the time to get them out. The photographer I usually use is either in jail, or skipped the country or ran away to start a new life. I emailed, called, facebooked and nothing. The photographer I did use I would NOT recommend. It is called Studio LUSH photography. They are in Pleasant Grove. I was not that impressed with the pictures. The pictures below I cropped and changed since they were all off centered and it was just a pain all around to work with her.
I have lots of funny things to post and catch up on so hopefully - and that is a BIG hopefully - the stars will align again and I will find some free time. It does make me feel better to check on my friends and family's blogs and find that they have not posted for as long as me.