Friday, November 14, 2008

Funny what can change in a day.

About 2 weeks ago Justin and I were talking about what we were going to do for Thanksgiving, since my parents are in MO for the next 3 years. We had been invited to a friends family for dinner (thanks Rachel) which I thought would be a fun change. We tossed around the idea of doing our own little dinner just the 3 of us and even going out.

The next evening Justin came home from work and informed me that we were having Thanksgiving here with his entire family. I found this funny and actually started laughing a little bit before I realised he was serious. By entire I mean 17 people that also includes 7 house guests. The number has slowly dropped from 22 since lucky for me 6 family members are going elsewhere. Thank goodness. I was trying to remember if a huge family dinner was ever discussed. Funny what can change in a day
I am actually excited... now. I have always thought the more the merrier when it comes to a party. Justin's family is also hilarious and really easygoing. Minimal family drama. So if you don't have any place to go for Thanksgiving just come over here. I am even looking at dressing Bailey up in a turkey costume. He likes costumes - really he does.

Today I am cooking a "test" turkey, since I have never actually cooked a turkey before, unless I include a turkey melt. We will see how it goes. It really doesn't sound all that hard. I was surprised at how long it takes to defrost in the fridge. So if any of you have any advice for cooking Thanksgiving for 17 people send it down. Anyone else cooking/hosting? We deserve a girls day out after. Let me know.

Poor turkey :(. At least they aren't very cute to look at.


Unknown said...

Only 17? Phish, that's nothing!! Go find the biggest turkey you can. Like 22+ pounds. Make sure you give it PLENTY of time to defrost. You could just bag your party and come to Club Van Komen!

Unknown said...

I am excited that you are cooking a Turkey. I don't think that I am that ambitious. You are good to take on the task.

katherine said...

oh wow! that is huge! good luck! i am sure it will be a fun day and such a great experience! and good for you for doing a test turkey, i would do the same! have fun!!

miner6to1 said...

When I was in Hawaii we tried quick methods for cooking turkeys, let just say most of them did not work.

Lauren Ricci said...

You are such a good wife! I only ever make the rolls and that is only to secure 3 rolls for myself! Can't wait to hear about your turkey day adventures. You are smart to make a test turkey.

Melissa said...

Oh Annie! Good luck! You are a good sport! I have NO CLUE how to cook a turkey, so I am no help! Let me know how it turns out!

That turkey costume is hilarious!

Hillary said...

Annie you are brave. I cooked a turkey breast this weekend and found it very stressful. It took twice as long to defrost as it said, and I just wasn't sure how long to cook it, but it all turned out ok. There are lots of great recipies now though, I would find one that is simple but good online. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I was wondering where you purchased you turkey costume for your dog. I am throwing Thanksgiving for my family and my boyfriends family and the a costume like that would be perfect

Unknown said...

oh and if you could email me at that would be great.