Sunday, September 7, 2008

Goodbye little red house

It has been a busy few weeks we finally sold our house. Yea! I was afraid if I said too much before the ink was dry and the check was in the bank it would fall through. The people that bought our tiny red house wanted to close 15 days earlier than we had planned. Justin and I packed and moved in 2 days. We did hire a moving company to help - mostly due to the time crunch and we have good friends who own a moving company. Unfortunately for us they broke the glass door to our dryer and lost a main part of a bed frame. Beware if you sleep in our guest room - the bed may or may not fall apart on you. We did have friends staying last weekend and they didn't report any furniture mishaps :)

On the big moving day a large family of hornets or bee's ( I didn't get close enough to decide) had moved in and set up shop under our porch. Lucky for us it was at the old house. I pulled up to the house and two of the movers were running around in circles flapping their arms all over. I thought they were on drugs for a second until one of them yelled for me to stay in the car due to the bee attack. Poor guys they were each stung at least 5 times.
We are 90% unpacked and now have 2 sets of everything. I feel like we are in college again having to label all of our stuff. I told my mom when they get back I was apologising in advance if I pack up and take her stuff. It is getting hard to remember who's is who's.
I hope all of you had more fun on Labor Day than we did. I am still waiting for a 3 day holiday weekend when we don't have a project.


Unknown said...

That's great that your house sold, but I know its a bummer moving. Did your parents pack anything up? It will probably feel weird to be there without your parents. Are they doing well? Hope to see you soon.

Unknown said...

Our plane leaves a 6 am when does yours?

Rachel said...

So glad everything is finalized for you guys! We will miss the little red house!

Lauren Ricci said...

Congratulations on your closing! SO glad everything has worked out and that you are getting settled into your new home. Can't wait to see it!

Bruschke said...

sniff, sniff...we will miss seeing you strolling down the street and stopping to chat. Let's play soon!