I completely stole this idea from my cousin Melissa. Go to www. google.com and type your name into the search box with the word needs after. Ex. annie needs. Hit search and funny things come up. My top 5 were as follows. Some of the text looks strange since I was too lazy to type it all out and just copy and pasted.
1.Annie needs to be rescued by the armed forces
2.Annie needs to release a LIVE album!
3.Annie needs a home.
5. Annie Needs Love
Justin's were much better.
1. Justin Needs an Attitude Adjustment
3. Justin needs to hook up with Jessica Simpson - I know he wishes this one was first but sadly for him it was not.
4. Justin needs a webmonkey
5. Scruffy Justin needs a wash
So it is kinda silly but try it out you may get a smile out of it. If you are running out of things to stick on you blog...you just found something. Who knows maybe you will find something that you do need.
Lauren needs...
someone with her when she is outdoors.
a new home
a myspace
a hotel room
to get over it already
and the best...
needs to chill out and stay out of other people's business.
Mike's are good too. It came up with Mike in an alcoholic and Mike needs a heart.
I heart google. It's so entertaining!
That's hilarious! Can't wait to try it!
Hey there, wasn't that kind of fun? Matt's were pretty funny, one talked about how he needed a circumcision or something. He wouldn't let me post it. :) I'm so glad you have a blog, I'm quite addicted!
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