Monday, March 23, 2009

When did my baby become a little boy?

It seems like overnight Cole has transformed from a soft spoken timid baby to a kitchen table climbing wild little boy. When did this happen? I know I should be thrilled that he can open doors and is strong enough to climb on EVERYTHING and rearrange the furniture (really he pushes the coffee table and kitchen chairs all over). Thrilled in not the word I would choose just yet. The other day out of the corner of my eye I caught him jumping from a kitchen chair onto the table. While I am quite impressed he pulled this stunt off without any injury or damage to the furniture - I am feeling more and more like a referee these days. I hope my EMT training is not going to be needed this soon in my child's life.


Halaufia's said...

Such a handsome young man!


so dang cute. love his hair

Rachel said...

Ah...your post made me a little sad, and I am not even his mom! HE sure did turn into a little boy all of the sudden. I think the first picture definitely makes him look like a toddler. He will always be baby Cole to me!

Matt Van Komen said...

He is so stinking cute!! I was thinking the same thing about Ryker the other day too!! Careful, this is how they get siblings!

Melissa said...

He is so handsome! It is hard to believe how big they get in just a blink of an eye! Cash still re-arranges my furniture! He is darling! We need to go to dinner.

PS. I am being induced tomorrow - March 24th!!

katherine said...

he is so cute! and seriously, when did he become a little man??

Unknown said...

He really does look all grown up all the sudden in all those pictures, but he is still as cute as can be....just wait until they are even more grown up and they do things like the space or pinewood derby for scouts...then you really feel like they are old, but they are cute at all ages.

The Bradley Bishop Family said...

What a little man. He is way to cute! And Fun pics from costa rica

*Leslie* said...

He does look so grown up! He is a cutie and looks like lots of fun!