Happy 2nd Birthday Cole!!
Cole turned 2 on November 1st. It seems like last week that he came home from the hospital. At his 2 year old pediatrician appointment the first thing the Dr. looked at was what size clothes he was wearing. 4T. He is 39 inches or 3'3''. 36 pounds and his head is 53 cm. At least he is off the charts on all levels. He is equally large on all accounts. No more bobble head stats. Now I can look back and laugh that the Dr's were worried about his growing and weight for the first few weeks.
I have enjoyed (probably too much) acting taken back and surprised when complete strangers comment on how big he is for a 2 year old. I have started replying to their comments with "Really? You think he is big". As well as telling snoopy strangers he is already on a baby football team when they ask "Are you going to put him into sports?".
At 2 he loves to play trucks, throw and catch a football, colorand dance. His favorite music being rock & hip/hop - AC/DC, Lady Gaga and Ludicris being his favorite in the past few months. He must climb on everything. He is fascinated with shoes and the vacuum. Everyday he pulls the salad tongs out of the drawer and picks up toys with them.
He hates having his diaper changed - it is a battle. Gets really upset when I channel surf on the radio in the car. Also really hates having his hair done.
Favorite present. Uncle Brandon and Aunt Jessie found an extra large Tonka truck he likes to ride in.
Cole with Grandpa & Grandma Albrecht
Happy Birthday Cole!!