Friday, July 4, 2008

Laptop took a great fall.

So it has been a while since I posted. I have been without a computer for a while. A brilliant idea of placing the laptop on our kitchen counter/ledge and cleaning while talking on the phone to my friend Rachel went askew. Somehow (well not really somehow I am the clumsiest person on the planet) I tripped over the power cord sending my laptop to it's hardwood floor grave 4 feet below. Sorry again Rachel for the string of naughty words that flew out of my mouth :(.
Suprisingly it worked for a day but it was a bit slow. Then nothing just a black screen with weird computer code on it. This will be the test if Justin really reads our blog. I handed it to him and said it won't turn on, "can you fix it?" - leaving out the 4 foot ledge part - he didn't ask. 1 new hard drive later and a few hours with the IT man at Dealertrak (Justin's company) who got my pic's I hadn't backed up on the external hard drive, and I am back in business.
Moral of the story...don't put laptops on ledges, do backup all photo's/movies and lastly do have connections with an IT person if you didn't learn the moral from my story.


Lauren Ricci said...

That totally sucks. I am so glad he was able to get it back up and running. Our laptop stopped working a few weeks ago and I also handed it to Mike who looked at it, said I don't know what's wrong with it and put it on the kitchen table where it has stayed since. Ask Justin to teach Mike a few things. He is the best!

See you tonight!

Rachel said...

I don't seem to remember any naughty words, just a lot of silence and an "oh no!" or two.

Melissa said...

Too funny! :) Glad you got your pic's & video's! That could have been tragic!

It was great to see you guys for Chip's birthday! Thanks so much for coming!

Seymour Glass said...

that sucks. good to have a corporate tech guy on call. makes me grateful for the mag safe power adapter on my mac. prevents such common catastrophes. i'm sure the little guy enjoyed the string of words that mommy let fly.