Monday, October 3, 2011

Do we let them win?

So I am sitting in the playroom with Cole right at the moment ignoring his now 5 minute long tantrum because......I gave away his bike......wait no that's not it. He is crying (still) because I just beat him at the game Memory. You know the little cards with pictures. I let him win three times and then I won-thinking it was good to teach him about winning and losing. Don't get me wrong it wasn't some planned life lesson or anything like that,we were just playing and I decided to beat him.
So- random question, do you let your kids/or any kid you are playing a game with win each time or beat them occasionally? Just curious.
By the way he is still crying....over a memory game.


*Leslie* said...

This is maybe the best blog post ever - so hilarious. I don't have an answer for you but, I think it's sooo funny how a little thing can set kids off and even funnier how long they can hold on to it!

Lauren Ricci said...

Mike and I (the crazy people who don't have kids but still talk about all these scenarios like we do) have had this conversation a few times thanks to the kids at The Sharing Place. I personally think there is a difference between letting them cheat, and letting them win. I am absolutely against letting kids cheat because I have dealt with it a lot at TSP and I think it teaches them a bad life lesson. If you let them cheat when they are four at Candyland by searching the deck for the "special" cards, then who is going to teach them when they are 7 or 10 or older that cheating is not ok? I think it's ok to let them win most of the time, but sometimes they should lose so they understand what losing is.

I can totally see Cole having a temper tantrum about you winning though, being almost 4 is rough :) Thanks for sharing this funny post!

Chandrima said...

I like it.. its a best way to teach kids about winning and wining eben when you lost... very good blog..

Rachel said...

I say it's good for them to learn how to win and how to lose.
I really like this article on NY Times motherlode...may not completely apply to this scenario but I think losing a memory game is a good place to start!

Anna F said...

Aww bless him. My youngest, Conor, who's now 19! Used to do that, if we were playing a game, and god forbid anyone else were to win he'd have a tantrum and would say "You must have cheated, no fair". And to this day he is still competitive as hell! He was playing a game on the wii with his nephews (Who are 10) over the weekend, and he was screaming at the tv and in the end he lost, so he stood up, mumbled somethign under his breath, threw the controls on the sofa and stormed out!
Great blog!

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Unknown said...

This is too funny... but i have played with my sons (now 9 & 13) and taught them that you can't always win. They used to get upset.. never threw tantrums though.

I believe it's a good way to teach them sportmanship.


nice baby site

David said...

lolxxxx ,,, funniest blog.