Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So far behind

I am so far behind with the blog I don't know where to start. I know it is time to post when Justin starts commenting on how long it has been since I posted something. Yes my husband is a hidden blog stalker. A few of my girlfriends even get comments from him every now and then.

Anyway, we are all doing great. A few computer glitches in the last few months - so I am waiting for Justin to order and set up the new desktop so I don't have to wait 45 minutes for each picture to load (did you read that Justin - get that computer already :)).

Cole is doing what 2 year old boys do and driving me a little crazy from time to time. He has learned to open dead bolts and continues to break apart the child lock doorknob covers. By accident he found if he falls on the pressure mounted baby gates he can knock them down - so now he will run full force into them to knock them down and then just laughs. He is always within eye range of me to say the least. One nice thing is that he now lets the dog in and out of the house.

I have 14 or less weeks to go with this baby. My Dr. and the perinatologist Dr. said this baby is quite big just like Cole was so they are going to induce me at least a week early!! That was good news.

Justin is - as always - doing amazing at work. He was the top in sales in the Nation AGAIN this year. Go Justin. The top shelf of his closet is now stacked with plaques and glass awards from the last few years. Sadly I can't go on the awards trip since I will be too pregnant - so if anyone wants to volunteer to go to the hospital with me if I go into labor while he is gone at the end of March that would be great. I will still have 6 and a half weeks until this baby will be due - so hopefully it stays put. I am excited for him and would never tell him not to go on his big trip. I just told him he has to bring me back something shiny and if I have this baby while he is gone it better be something really good.

My parents are still very, very busy in Missouri. I was able to visit them after Christmas for a few days. One of my aunts flew out with Cole and I and we surprised my mom with her visit which was really fun. We flew in the day after Christmas which happened to be the same day of the biggest snowstorm Missouri had seen in 20 years. They have a less than a year and a half left until they get home now.

Naughty Bailey dog is still the same. My vet called me a few weeks ago wanting me to come into the office to talk after some tests we had to do on Bailey. Dr. Barton told me Bailey had a drinking problem - a water drinking problem, where he drinks too much water. Nothing to worry about but I like telling people that my dog has a drinking problem. I really have to add that these tests included getting urine samples from my 106 lb dog 3 mornings in a row and that these 3 mornings - lucky for me - were after snowstorms. Please picture.... me, pregnant in snow boots and pajamas running after my dog in 8 inches of snow in our backyard trying to get a urine sample. The whole thing was pretty funny and since I worked in a hospital as a CNA and an EMT for years there was really no grossness factor.

That is the last of my little update. Pretty boring with no pictures - but our laptop takes FOREVER to load pictures. Happy February to everyone.


Lauren Ricci said...

I like this post and to know how well you and your fam is doing! You are amazing! Can't wait to see you next weekend :)

Unknown said...

Glad to see you post even if there are no pictures!! Cole is so cute that I'm sure its no problem when he's being naughty. I get you with the big baby problem. I had an ultrasound today and the dr said he's measuring 6.5 lbs already!! That's a pound more than he should. He told me I should have married someone smaller in stature. Now he tells me!!

Rochelle said...

I love your posts! Of course you are always hot, even in snow boots in pj's chasing Bailey! ha ha. Thanks so much for the salad recipe. It was a hit! And I even gave it to my mother in law so I felt really cool ;)

Unknown said...

Justin if you are reading this I am sure Annie is still waiting for the computer, so hurry up with that so that we can see some darling pictures of your son being naughty and of Annie and her cute pregnant belly.
By the way Annie it is always a good thing to have connections in the hospitals to be an EMT and work there, Rob has been looking at hospital jobs all over with his EMT and can't seem to find anything. Hope all is well with your parents, that is great that you got to visit them after christmas.