Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Over Labor Day we went to Bear Lake with 3 other couples and their boys. I knew the trip was off to a great start when I realized I left my toiletries in their bag all packed up and ready to go in SLC. I had to laugh at the fact that I realized this moments before we arrived in Bear Lake instead of moments after we left the house. Even better was finding out that Rachel had forgot a bra. Yes I just said she forgot her bra. Funny stuff. The first night we were there after a great afternoon on the lake Rachel and I went on an adventure to find toiletries and a bra in Montpelier Idaho. After 4, yes 4 stores, using the oldest gas pump I had ever seen and 6 lottery tickets later (I won 8$) we ended up with not 1 but 3 bras and as many grocery store toiletries a girl could ask for. Rachel scored a pretty sweet 2 for 6$ special on the oldest bras I have ever seen and then found a more suitable replacement bra at store #4.

The oldest gas pump I have ever seen - half of the dials didn't work.

We spent Saturday afternoon crossing the Lake to Shell beach. The little boys had a blast playing in the sand and getting completely filthy in the process. We were all having a great time and I started to notice that the other 50+ people on the beach had left all around the same time. Not thinking anything of it other than it was close to dinner time, we spent another hour or so letting the kids run around like little boys do best. As we loaded up the 2 boats to make the 50 min journey across the lake to get home we all noticed HUGE dark clouds in our midst and nothing but large white capping waves as far as the eye could see. We made it home safe - obviously - but not before we took on quite a bit of water into the boat, were all soaked, cold and starving by this point since it took quite a while to get across the lake with HUGE waves and rain coming in at every which way.

Looming storm clouds

Arriving safely at the marina. Can you see Cole hidden in the towels?
Captain Justin braving the storm.

The rest of the trip we ate lots of yummy food, watched the little boys run crazy all over the cabin, beach and boats.

Cole watching the action behind the boat.

Dixon making us feel like we are really terrible at wake boarding after watching him.



3 little boys trying to get into trouble.

The gorgeous view from our cabin

Reflection of the moon on the lake and marina.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So lately my blog isn't updating. I was wondering if anyone else was having this problem? I log on and it hasn't updated comments or other peoples blogs on my side bar. When I click on the "Search Blog" tab at the top of any blog it will update to the most recent post. Also, if I log on through my phone the blogs are all updated just not when I log on through my laptop. Any thoughts? Is my blog sick? I have searched on Blogger for help with no success.