Here are his 18 month stats, they are all in the 90%. I am sure this is a big shocker to you all. Especially since Justin and I are so short and tiny ourselves :)
Weight 30lb 7 oz (91%)
Length 34 inches or 2'10" as I like to say. (91%)
His head is in the 98% - can it go over 100%?
My favorite part about this visit was how my pediatrician kept going on and on about putting Cole into sports and how he was impressed Cole had defined quad muscles. Funny. Last time the Dr. told me he always wanted a patient of his to be in the Olympics and he now hopes it will be Cole since he is so big. Hmm. I am still not sure how to take that. Yes I know my son is big - he is an Albrecht, if you have met the rest of the men in the Albrecht family you would understand.
We love you Cole!