Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Christmas was very different this year. Going through all the Christmas traditions without your parents there is strange - especially since we are babysitting their house for them. Waking up Christmas morning in the house you grew up in without your parents and siblings around is strange. Cole is still too little to understand the whole thing. He did look pretty cute in his tiny Santa suit that my dad bought and had monogrammed for him.

This is Cole climbing into the Elmo box. Elmo is kind of scary to tell you the truth.

Here is Cole on Christmas. The entire morning all he wanted to do was run down the hall to my dads office and look at these pictures. Since I was born my dad has put together a yearly montage of family pic's. It has been a fun tradition. For some reason Cole loves to look at them. We had to force him to open his gifts.

My dad even sent Bailey his own monogrammed Santa hat. Notice the dirt on his nose. He was trying to bury the hat but couldn't figure out how to get it off.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dance Baby Dance

Dance Baby Dance

So...I couldn't figure out how to post the video and video re-cap together. This works just as well.

Cole started busting out some dance moves the other day. It was pretty funny. Now if any music is on he starts dancing. Really ANY MUSIC - cellphone rings, commercials on TV, annoying baby toys that sing for hours on end (my least favorite being a small gorilla that sings "Wild Thing" and dances by squatting up and down - Cole loves the singing gorilla).
We decided Cole's dance moves were a cross between running in place and trying to fly. Kids are funny. I hope this dancing phase doesn't end soon, it makes me laugh everyday. In case it does I have over an hour of video now. I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to remember why Cole was shirtless on this particular afternoon? We do have shirts for him I promise. I tried to edit out my voice but when I did the music was lost and then the video lost that special something :).