Keeping his reputation as the most expensive and high maintenance dog ever, Bailey this week had a tumor - really a tumor - removed from his paw. Justin and I named his growth Tommy the tumor thinking we were funny. When it did in fact turn out to be a tumor it wasn't as funny. It has been growing for a few months. The Vet told us to watch it since some dogs get growths that will go away with time. Bailey never seemed to notice it so we just kept watching it grow.
When we finally took him in what started as a small black mole looked like he had an extra large red jellybean growing straight out of his paw. This is his 3rd surgery, 4th time he has had staples in him and the 7th time he has been put under anesthesia for some type of medical care. He is only 5 years old. Between Justin and I and our combined 62 years on earth Bailey has us beat on the number of times under general anesthesia.
Taking the 100+lb dog to the vet almost 9 months pregnant with a 2 year old is a circus. "Dog" as Cole calls him, can jump pretty high in most cases. Even after his knee surgeries he would happily jump on the kitchen counter if I let him. He jumps up the rocks in the backyard 4+ feet high with no problem. The ONE place he will NOT jump is into the back of my jeep. It is not even that high. Loading "Dog" into the car now requires a large telescoping dog ramp. It is quite the site. Next time you see and advertisement for a dog ramp in a magazine or at the pet store and ask yourself, who would buy that huge thing? - the answer is me.