I really have had nothing exciting going on the past month. I really didn't have a reason to post anything for over a month. I just fell off the blog wagon.
Last week Hillary and I packed up the 3 kids and headed down to St. George to get out of the yucky air and take in some sun. We left the hubby's at home and armed with bags full of treats made it down without much of a fight form any of the kids. We did stop and buy a new Elmo DVD which I am sure saved our ears from the 2 toddlers on the end of our trek.
Here is a tiny Picture of the kids in the car. I was excited to learn you could cram 3 large car seats into the back of the jeep. ( I stole the tiny pics form Hillary's facebook page)
Lot's of firsts for Cole on this trip.
First Hamburger - at In-N-Out burger, not a bad place to mark the occasion of your first hamburger. I did take a picture but it is on Hillary's camera. If I get the picture I will post it.
Another tiny picture of us at In-N-Out.
First time playing at a park - he couldn't walk last summer and ever since he has been walking it has been too frigid to go outside for more than 2 min.
First Burrito - yes we were feeding our kids SO healthy as you can see.
First group bath - this one is self explanatory. I am hoping that Cole and the Burton girls will end up in High School together though so I can bring up the fact that they have all taken a bath together.
Hillary and I bought matching sunhats while we were in St. George and decided to take a picture of ourselves in our matching hats and sunglasses. I set the timer on my camera not knowing it was taking 5 shots in a row. I am about 95% positive only Hillary and I will find this funny but I am posting them anyway. Maybe one of these days I will get blog savvy enough to turn this into a little family book like my other blogger friends. We were laughing so hard I am sure we scared the kids.
This was our first attempt of a "do-it-yourself" picture. I told Hillary she looked like the Hamburglar.